1. Kabiri, S., M. Allen, J.T. Okuonzia, B. Akello, R. Ssabaganzi, and D. Mubiru. 2020. Detecting level of wetland encroachment for urban agriculture in Uganda using hyper-temporal remote sensing.  PANGAEA.  

2. Radeny, M., A.Desalegn, D. Mubiru, F. Kyazze, H. Mahoo, J. Recha, P. Kimeli and D. Solomon. 2019. Indigenous knowledge for seasonal weather and climate forecasting across East Africa. Climate Change Available online:

3. Mubiru, D.N., M. Radeny, F.B. Kyazze, A. Zziwa, J. Lwasa, J. Kinyangi, and C. Mungai. 2018. Climate trends, risks and coping strategies in smallholder farming systems in Uganda. Climate Risk Management. Elsevier. Available online: 

4. Arinaitwe, K. D.C.G. Muir, B.T. Kiremire, P. Fellin, H. Li, C. Teixeira, and D.N. Mubiru. 2018. Prevalence and sources of polychlorinated biphenyls in the atmospheric environment of Lake Victoria, East Africa. Chemosphere 193:343-350

5. Mubiru, D.N., J. Namakula, J. Lwasa, G.A. Otim, J. Kashagama, M. Nakafeero, W. Nanyeenya, and M. S. Coyne. 2017. Conservation farming and changing climate: more beneficial than conventional methods for degraded Ugandan soils. Sustainability 2017, 9, 1084; doi:10.3390/su9071084 

6. Semalulu, O., P. Elobu, S. Namazzi, S. Kyebogola, D.N. Mubiru. 2017. Higher cereal and legume yields using Ca-bentonite on sandy soils in the dry eastern Uganda: Increased productivity vs. profitability. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 5(2):140-147. doi: 10.13189/ujar.2017.050209. 

7. . Semalulu O., P. Elobu, S. Namazzi, S. Kyebogola, D.N. Mubiru (2017). Higher Cereal and Legume Yields Using Ca-bentonite on Sandy Soils in the Dry Eastern Uganda: Increased Productivity versus Profitability. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(2), 140 - 147. doi:10.13189/ujar.2017.050209,
8. Musinguzi P, P. Ebanyat, J.S. Tenywa, T.A. Basamba, M.M. Tenywa, D.N. Mubiru. 2016. Critical soil organic carbon range for optimal crop response to mineral fertilizer nitrogen on a Ferralsol. Experimental Agriculture. 1-19. DOI: 10.1017/S0014479715000307 

9. Semalulu, O., M.K. Magunda and D.N. Mubiru 2015. Amelioration sandy soils in drought stricken areas through use of Ca-bentonite. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences (UJAS) 16 (16) 2:175-185. ISSN 1026-0919 (Print); ISSN 2410-6909 (Online). @ National Agricultural Research Organization.

10. Semalulu O., M. Magunda, D. Mubiru, K.C. Kaizzi and E. Komutunga. 2015. Water-smart agriculture through integrated soil and water management: The Uganda experience. Water-smart Agriculture sourcebook.

11. Mubiru DN, Kyazze FB, Radeny M, Zziwa A, Lwasa J, Kinyangi J. 2015. Climatic trends, risk perceptions and coping strategies of smallholder farmers in rural Uganda. CCAFS Working Paper no. X. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Copenhagen, Denmark. Available online at:

12. Semalulu, O., M. Magunda and D.N. Mubiru. 2015. Amelioration of sandy soils in drought stricken areas through use of Ca-bentonite. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2015, 16(2): 175-185. 

13. Musinguzi, P., P. Ebanyat, J.S. Tenywa, T.A. Basamba, M.M. Tenywa, and D. Mubiru. 2015. Precision of farmer-based fertility ratings and soil organic carbon for crop production on a Ferralsol. Solid Earth, 6, 1063–1073.

14. Musinguzi, P., J.S. Tenywa, P. Ebanyat, T.A. Basamba, M.M. Tenywa, D.N. Mubiru, and Y.L. Zinn. 2015. Soil organic fractions in cultivated and uncultivated Ferralsols in Uganda. Geoderma Regional 4 (2015) 108–113.

15. Arinaitwe K, B.T. Kiremire, D.C. Muir, P. Fellin, H. Li, C. Teixeira, and D.N. Mubiru. 2015. Legacy and currently used pesticides in the atmospheric environment of Lake Victoria, East Africa. The Science of the Total Environment. 543:9-18. PMID 26575633 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.146
16. Namugwanya, M, J.S. Tenywa, E. Otabbong, D.N. Mubiru, and T. A. Basamba. 2014. Development of common bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) production under low soil phosphorus and drought in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review. Journal of Sustainable Development; Vol. 7, No. 5; 128-139. URL:

17. Semalulu, O., M.K. Magunda and D.N. Mubiru 2014. Use of Ca-bentonite to ameliorate moisture and nutrient limitations of sandy soils in drought stricken areas. UJAS. 2014, 14(2):49-59.

18. O. Semalulu, B. Mugonola, J. Bonabana-Wabbi, S.T. Kayanga and H. Mogaka. 2014. Optimizing use of integrated soil fertility management options for profitable groundnut production in Uganda. Landmark Research Journal of Agriculture and Soil Sciences (LRJASS) Vol. 1 issue 5 pp. 061-069, September, 2014 Available online Copyright © 2014 Landmark Research Journals.

19. Semalulu O, Kasenge V, Nakanwagi J., Wagoire W., Chemusto S. and Tukahirwa J. 2014. Financial losses due to soil erosion in the Mt. Elgon hillsides, Uganda: a need for action. Sky Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(2), pp. 29-35, March, 2014. Available online ISSN 2315-8794 ©2014 Sky Journals.

20. Musinguzi. P., J.S. Tenywa, P. Ebanyat, M.M. Tenywa, D.N. Mubiru, T.A. Basamba, and A. Leip. 2013. Soil Organic Carbon Thresholds and Nitrogen Management in Tropical Agroecosystems: Concepts and Prospects. Journal of Sustainable Development; Vol. 6, No.12 31-43. URL:

21. Semalulu O, V. Kasenge, P. Makhosi and R. Ggita. 2013. Comparative Productivity and Profitability of Four Groundnut Varieties with Phosphate Fertiliser in Mbale District, Uganda. Intern. Journal of Agricultural Innovations and Research Vol. 2 Issue 1, July 2013. pp. 117-124.
22. Semalulu Onesimus, Didas Kimaro, Valentine Kasenge, Moses Isabirye and Patrick Makhosi. 2012. Soil and nutrient losses in banana-based cropping systems of the Mt. Elgon hillsides of Uganda: economic implications. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences ISSN: 2167-0447 Vol. 2 (9), pp. 256-262, September, 2012. © International Scholars Journals.

23. Arinaitwe, K., P. Fellin, B.T. Kiremire, H. Li, D.C.G. Muir, C. Teixeira, and D.N. Mubiru. 2012. Atmospheric concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the water shed of Lake Victoria, East Africa. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 2012; 46(21):1152-31. PMID 23020709 DOI: 10.1021/es302238w

24. Mubiru, D.N., E. Komutunga E, A. Agona, A. Apok and T. Ngara. 2012.  Characterizing agro-meteorological climate risks and uncertainties: Crop production in Uganda.   S Afr J Sci. 2012;108(3/4), Art. #470, 11 pages. http:// v108i3/4.470

25. Kayuki C. Kaizzi, John Byalebeka, Onesmus Semalulu, Isaac Newton Alou, Williams Zimwanguyizza, Angella Nansamba, Emmanuel Odama, Patrick Musinguzi, Peter Ebanyat, Theodore Hyuha, Appollo K. Kasharu, Charles S. Wortmann. 2012. Optimizing smallholder returns to fertilizer use: Bean, soybean and groundnut. Field Crops Research 127 (2012) 109–119.

26. 10. Semalulu, O., M. Azuba, P. Makhosi, F. Semyalo and S. Lwasa. 2012. Nutrient Recycling Using Human Urine: Potential for Low Input Farming. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, USA. B 2 (2012) 919-933. ISSN 1939-1250.

27. McDonagh, Y. Lu and O. Semalulu. 2011 Adoption and Adaptation of Improved Soil Management Practices in the Eastern Uganda Hills. Land Degradation & Development. (2011). DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1143.

28. 12. Isabirye, M., D. Kimaro and O. Semalulu. 2010. Sediment Production from Settlements and Farmlands within Lake Victoria Shoreline Zone in Uganda & Tanzania. Tropicultura 28(2)89-95.

29. Schärer, M., E.DeGrave, O. Semalulu, S. Sinaj, R. Vandenberghe and E. Frossard. 2009. Effect of redox conditions on phosphate exchangeability and iron forms in a soil amended with ferrous iron. European Journal of Soil Science. 60 (3) 386-397. ISSN1351-0754.

30. Mubiru, D.N., and M.S. Coyne. 2009. Leguminous cover crops are more beneficial than natural fallows in minimally tilled Ugandan soils. Agron. J.  101 (3) 644-652

31. Mubiru, D.N., M.S. Coyne, and J.H. Grove. 2008. Citric acid interferes with adenosine triphosphate determination by bioluminescence. 41:2587-2594. Analytical Letters
32. Mubiru, D.N., H. Ssali, C.K. Kaizzi, J. Byalebeka, W.K. Tushemereirwe, P. Nyende, F. Kabuye, R. Delve, and A. Esilaba. 2004. Participatory research approaches for enhancing innovations and partnerships in soil productivity improvement. Uganda J. of  Ag. Sci. Vol. 9 No.1 192-198.

33. Semalulu, O., Magunda, M., Majaliwa, M., Ssali, H. Tenywa, M., and N. Abesiga. 2004. An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Utilisation of Land Resources for a Better Environment. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. ISSN 1026-0919. Vol. 8 No. 9 No. 1 pp. 294-302

34. Majaliwa M, M.K. Magunda, M.M. Tenywa and O. Semalulu. 2003. Soil erosion and pollution loading from agricultural land in Bukora sub-catchment. Uganda Journal of agricultural Sciences. ISSN 1026-0919. Vol. 8 No.10 pp. 303-312.

35. Semalulu, O., M. K. Magunda, L. Idrakua and L. Okello. 2003. Non-Point Source Pollution into Lake Victoria from Bukora, Uganda Sub-catchment. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries (Special Issue). Vol. 11:23-40. ISBN: 9970-713-06-6

36. Nkalubo, S.T., O. Semalulu, Y. Lu and J. McDonagh. 2003. Constraints to the adoption of soil conservation and fertility management techniques in the Mt. Elgon areas, Uganda. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 8(10)313-322.

37. Mubiru, D.N., M.S. Coyne, and J.H. Grove. 2000. Mortality of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in two different soils with different physical and chemical properties. J. Environ. Qual. 29:1821-1825.

38. Mubiru, D.N., J.H. Grove, and M.S. Coyne. 2000. Soil physicochemical characteristics influencing bacterial adhesion to colloids and their co-transport through a Maury silt loam. Division S-2 Soil Chemistry Newsletter. Sept. 2000. Vol. 9 No. 4 Soil Sci. Soc. of America

39. Mubiru, D.N., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1994. Phosphorus-sorption characteristics of intensely weathered soils in south-central Kentucky. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 25(15-16): 2745-2759.

40. Mubiru, D.N., and A.D. Karathanasis. 1994. Loess rejuvenation effects on intensely weathered soils of south-central Kentucky. Soil Science. 154:244-252.

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